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Operation Resilient Runner Top 5 Tips for Proper Running Form

Top 5 Tips for Proper Running Form

With winter weather looming ahead, it is very important to focus on proper form and safety so that our runs do not become “slip and slide adventures.” Operation Resilient Runner is a two-part series that includes running tips on proper form (part one) and safety (part two), making it possible for us to have a flexible and adaptive disposition in any environment.

For part one of this series, use the following top 5 tips for proper running form to make each workout a safe and enjoyable experience... (click here to continue reading)

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“Motivation; the key thing that guided me. Your class also taught me about fitness and how it can improve not only my body but also the way I think. I also was taught the meaning of resilience. Optimism was a huge concept you got through my head. Strength of character was the main thing I focused on.”
- Deschun, age 17