Larger than Life
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warm up phase

001 - Diamond Grip Push-Up (GX 2.2)
Fitness, Upper Body
Learn how to do a proper Diamond Grip Push-up. By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine. March 2005)

002 - Running Intervals and Breakfast tips (GX 2.2)
Aerobic Conditioning, Cardiovascular Training, Endurance Training, Health, Nutrition, Special Features, Weight Loss
By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, 2005)

003 - Step up and Tricep Dips (GX 2.3)
Cardiovascular Training, Weight Loss
By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, 2005)

004 - Functional Fitness Tips (GX 2.3)
Fitness, Overall conditioning, Special Features, Strength Training
By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, 2005)

005 - Letters on running and shoe buying tips (GX 2.3)
Endurance Training, Getting Started, Special Features
By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, 2005)

006 - Flutter Kick and Four-count Push-up (GX 2.4)
Core, Strength Training, Upper Body, Weight Loss, Whole Body
By Ken Weichert (GX Magazine, 2005)

007 - Ground Thumper and Four-count Reverse Crunch (GX 2.5)
Getting Started, Strength Training, Upper Body, Weight Loss, Whole Body
By Ken Weichert (GX Magazine, 2005)

008 - Push-up Improvement training (GX 2.6)
APFT Improvement, Strength Training, Upper Body
By Ken Weichert (GX Magazine, 2005)

009 - Top Ten Eating Tips (GX 2.6)
Getting Started, Health, Nutrition, Weight Loss
By Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, 2005)

010 - Tubing Tips for Chest and Shoulders (GX 3.1)
Tubing Workouts, Upper Body, Weight Loss, Whole Body
By Ken Weichert (GX Magazine, 2006)

011 - Sit-up Improvement Training (GX 3.1)
APFT Improvement, Core, Weight Loss, Whole Body
By Ken Weichert (GX Magazine, 2006)

012 - Tubing Tips for Triceps and Biceps (GX 3.2)
Tubing Workouts, Upper Body, Weight Loss, Whole Body
By Ken Weichert (GX Magazine, 2006)

013 - Running improvement training (GX 3.2)
Aerobic Conditioning, APFT Improvement, Cardiovascular Training, Endurance Training, Weight Loss, Whole Body
By Ken Weichert (GX Magazine, 2006)

014 - START Hiking- Training for Half Dome (GX 3.2)
Hiking, Lower Body, Special Features, Weight Loss, Whole Body
By Ken Weichert (GX Magazine, 2006)

015 - Truth About Gym Workouts (GX 3.3)
Special Features, Weight Loss, Whole Body
By Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, 2006)

016 - Heavy or Not pt1 - Upper Body (GX 3.4)
Overall conditioning, Strength Training, Upper Body, Weight Loss, Whole Body
By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, 2006)

017 - Heavy or Not pt2 - Lower Body (GX 3.5)
Lower Body, Overall conditioning, Strength Training, Weight Loss, Whole Body
By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, 2006)

018 - Heavy or Not pt3 Core training (GX 3.6)
Core, Overall conditioning, Strength Training, Weight Loss, Whole Body
By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, 2006)

019 - Calorie Control (GX 3.6)
By Dr. Robert Portman (GX Magazine, 2006)

020 - Back to Basics pt1 - Basic level (GX 4.1)
By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, 2007)

021 - Back to Basics pt2 - Intermediate level (GX 4.1)
By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, 2007)

022 - Operation Back to Basics pt 3 - Advanced Level (GX 4.2)
Core, Upper Body, Whole Body
Looking for an advanced workout? This is the final chapter of the Back to Basic series. Guaranteed to help you burn 600 calories in 60 minutes. By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, February 2006)

023 - Push-up Poker Drill (GX 4.1)
Aerobic Conditioning
Want to make fitness fun? This short article will show you a fitness game guaranteed to double your push-ups in two weeks. By Ken Weichert (GX Magazine, January 2006)

024 - Operation Diet Dissection (GX 4.1)
Learn whether or not your diet is on the right track by following nutrition tips given to a real National Guard Soldier. By Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, January 2006)

025 - START Nutrition (GX 4.2)
Learn commonly held misconceptions about nutrition. By Dr. Robert Portman (GX Magazine, February 2006)

026 - The Monster In You (GX 4.2)
Do you know what you are drinking? This article is a comprehensive research response to the growing popularity of energy drinks. Find out if they really are right for you. By Stephanie and Ken Weichert (GX Magazine, February 2006)

027 - Operation Wake-up Call (MILSPOUSE FEB07)
Whole Body
This whole body workout for the home or on the road. By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (Military Spouse Magazine. February 2007)

028 - Operation Double Time (MILSPOUSE APR07)
Getting Started, Special Features, Weight Loss, Whole Body
The second level of the Military Spouse Workout Series. This workout is rated intermediate to advanced. (Military Spouse Magazine. April 2007)

029 - Operation Trail After Trail - Summer Challenge (MILSPOUSE JUN07)
Hiking, Special Features, Whole Body
A lower body workout to prepare you for the hiking season. By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (Military Spouse Magazine, June 2007)

030 - Ultra Toner Training (SPRI JUL07)
Special Features, Tubing Workouts
Looking for great Ultra Toner tubing program? We′ve got several exercises all on one page, designed to fit in your pocket. By Ken Weichert (SPRI, July 2007)

031 - Xertube Training (SPRI JUL07)
Special Features, Tubing Workouts
Looking for great Xertube tubing program? We've got several exercises all on one page, designed to fit in your pocket. By Ken Weichert (SPRI, July 2007)

032 - Strong to the Core (Backpacker AUG05)
Core, Hiking, Lower Body, Whole Body
Looking for the core training to help you blaze the trails? This eight-minute core training program will help you withstand heavy backpacks over rough terrain over long periods of time. By Ken Weichert (Backpacker, August 2005)

033 - Slim Gym pt1 Shoulder training (GX 4.3)
Upper Body, Weight Loss
By Ken Weichert (GX Magazine, March 2007)

034 - Slim Gym pt2 Back training (GX 4.4)
Fitness, Upper Body
By Ken Weichert (GX Magazine, 2007)

035 - START Hiking Training for Mount Whitney (GX 4.5)
Hiking, Lower Body
By Ken Weichert (GX Magazine, 2007)

036 - START Nutrition Protein 202 (GX 4.5)
Health, Nutrition
By Dr. Robert Portman (GX Magazine, April 2007)

037 - Pushing for Points vol1 pt1 (GX 4.6)
APFT Improvement
By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, 2007)

038 - Pushing for Points vol1 pt2 (GX 4.7)
APFT Improvement
By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, 2007)

039 - Team START pt1 Whole Body Weeks 1-4 (GX 4.8)
Getting Started, Whole Body
By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, 2007)

040 - Team START pt2 Whole Body Weeks 5-8 (GX 4.9)
Fitness, Getting Started, Whole Body
By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, 2007)

041 - Camp Crunch Circuit (HEALTH-APR08)
Athletic Conditioning, Cardiovascular Training, Fitness
By Ken Weichert (Health Magazine, April 2008)

042 - Quick Fix pt1 Weight Training (GX 4.10)
Fitness, Strength Training, Whole Body
By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, 2007)

043 - Quick Fix pt2 Camp Crunch Challenge (GX 4.11)
Aerobic Conditioning, Athletic Conditioning, Cardiovascular Training
By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, 2007)

044 - Fresh START Whole Body Training (GX 5.1)
Athletic Conditioning, Cardiovascular Training, Fitness, Overall conditioning
By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, 2008)

045 - Take Two Partner Assisted Workout (GX 5.2)
Aerobic Conditioning, Athletic Conditioning, Cardiovascular Training
By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, 2008)

046 - Rapid Response pt1 Fixed Circuit (GX 5.3)
Aerobic Conditioning, Athletic Conditioning, Cardiovascular Training
By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, 2008)

047 - Rapid Response pt“ Free Circuit“ Free Motion (GX 5.4)
Aerobic Conditioning, Athletic Conditioning, Cardiovascular Training, Fitness
By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, 2008)

048 - Rapid Response pt3 “ Dumbbells and Dynamics (GX 5.5)
Athletic Conditioning, Weight Loss
By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, 2008)

049 - OPF2F article MS ARNG (GX 5.4)
Getting Started, Special Features, Weight Loss, Whole Body
By Clint Wood (GX Magazine, May 2008)

050 - OPF2F article WA ARNG (GX 5.5)
Special Features, Weight Loss, Whole Body
By Clint Wood (GX Magazine, July 2008)

051 - Pushing for Points vol2 (GX 5.6)
APFT Improvement
By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, September 2008)

052 - Shaping Up - Workout turns recruits into lean green, guard machines (HOOAH 1.5)
Youth Fitness Special Feature
SGT Ken trains RSP Warriors. By Christian Anderson (Hooah! Magazine. March 2007)

053 - Basic Training for Life pt1 Upper Body (HOOAH 1.5)
Youth Fitness, Youth Fitness Special Feature
By Ken Weichert (Hooah! Magazine, March 2007)

054 - At Close Range Combative Fitness (GX 5.7)
Athletic Conditioning, Cardiovascular Training
Kickboxing lovers beware! This workout uses martial arts moves and aerobic conditioning to help you build strength, stamina and flexibility. By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, July 2008)

055 - Basic Training for Life pt2 Lower Body (HOOAH 1.6)
Youth Fitness, Youth Fitness Special Feature
Calling all young adults! This lower body workout was designed for youth to double their leg strength in two weeks. By Ken Weichert (Hooah! Magazine, July 2007)

056 - What's In Your Bag - Hints for packing a healthy lunch (HOOAH 1.6)
Youth Nutrition
How to pack a healthy lunch. By Stephanie Weichert (Hooah! Magazine, June 2007)

057 - Hang Time TRX Training (GX 5.8)
Athletic Conditioning
By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, 2008)

058 - Hold for Effect Isometric Training (GX 5.9)
Athletic Conditioning
By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, 2008)

059 - Mount Whitney article 19th SPECFOR (GX 5.9)
Special Features
By Ken Weichert (GX Magazine, 2008)

060 - Basic Training for Life pt3 Core and Cardio (HOOAH 1.7)
Youth Fitness, Youth Fitness Special Feature
By Ken Weichert (Hooah! Magazine, February 2008)

061 - Leaps and Bounds pt1 Plyometric Training (GX 6.1)
Cardiovascular Training, Endurance Training, Fitness, Whole Body
By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, 2009)

062 - Top 5 Stress Relieving Tips pt1 CSF (GX 6.1)
Special Features
By Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, 2009)

063 - Leaps and Bounds pt2 Flexibility Training (GX 6.2)
Aerobic Conditioning, Cardiovascular Training, Endurance Training, Fitness
By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, 2009)

064 - Pushing for Points vol3 (GX 6.3)
APFT Improvement
By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, 2009)

065 - Top 5 Stress Relieving Tips pt2 CSF (GX 6.3)
Special Features
By Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, 2009)

066 - OPF2F article (GRF-MAR09)
Aerobic Conditioning, Athletic Conditioning, Special Features
By Ken Weichert with GRF Staff Writer (GRF Magazine, March 2009)

067 - Getting Guard Ready pt1 Upper Body and Core (HOOAH 2.1)
Aerobic Conditioning, Athletic Conditioning, Cardiovascular Training, Getting Started, Youth Fitness, Youth Fitness Special Feature
By Ken Weichert (Hooah! Magazine, September 2008)

068 - Thats How I Roll Quad Skates article (HOOAH 2.1)
Special Features
By Stephanie Weichert (Hooah! Magazine, October 2008)

069 - Craving Competition pt1 Core and Aerobic Training (GX 6.4)
Aerobic Conditioning, Athletic Conditioning, Core, Endurance Training, Fitness
By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, 2009)

070 - Relationship Survival Guide CSF (GX 6.4)
Special Features
By Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, 2009)

071 - Craving Competition pt2 Core and Aerobic Training (GX 6.5)
Aerobic Conditioning, Core
By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, 2009)

072 - Immediate Improvement - 15 day APFT Calendar (GX 6.6)
APFT Improvement
By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, 2009)

073 - Joint Forces Urban Challenge 2009 (GX 6.6)
Aerobic Conditioning, APFT Improvement, Athletic Conditioning, Cardiovascular Training, Endurance Training, Fitness, Overall conditioning, Special Features, Strength Training, Whole Body
By Clint Wood (GX Magazine, 2009)

075 - Mississippi Muscle GX 6.7
Special Features
By Clint Wood (GX Magazine, 2009)

076 - Savory Survival Guide
Health, Nutrition, Weight Loss
By Ken Weichert (, 2010)

077 - Operation Battle The Bulge (GX 7.1)
Overall conditioning, Special Features
By MSG Jennifer Butler and Ken Weichert

078 - Operation Rapid Response (WWE Magazine)
Athletic Conditioning, Core, Fitness, Getting Started, Overall conditioning, Special Features, Strength Training, Weight Loss, Whole Body
By Ken Weichert (WWE Magazine)

080 - Operation Back to Basics (GX 7.2)
Athletic Conditioning, Core, Fitness, Getting Started, Overall conditioning, Strength Training, Weight Loss, Whole Body
By Ken Weichert (GX Magazine, 2010)

Full Military Style Sit-up
Exercise Clip- Full sit-up
Proper form to maximize your military fitness test score

START Fitness 2008 Trailer
START Fitness 2008 Trailer

Deltoid Raises
Exercise Clip- Deltoid Raises with SGT Ken
“ I want to thank you for showing me Operation Pushing for Points. This workout has really worked for me and most important, improved my APFT scores enormously. I improved in about 100-150 points total! I am now able to pass the APFT, thanks to you.- Dmitry Ramirez