
Larger than Life


001 - Diamond Grip Push-Up (GX 2.2)

Fitness, Upper Body

Learn how to do a proper Diamond Grip Push-up. By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine. March 2005)


022 - Operation Back to Basics pt 3 - Advanced Level (GX 4.2)

Core, Upper Body, Whole Body

Looking for an advanced workout? This is the final chapter of the Back to Basic series. Guaranteed to help you burn 600 calories in 60 minutes. By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, February 2006)


034 - Slim Gym pt2 Back training (GX 4.4)

Fitness, Upper Body

By Ken Weichert (GX Magazine, 2007)


033 - Slim Gym pt1 Shoulder training (GX 4.3)

Upper Body, Weight Loss

By Ken Weichert (GX Magazine, March 2007)


016 - Heavy or Not pt1 - Upper Body (GX 3.4)

Overall conditioning, Strength Training, Upper Body, Weight Loss, Whole Body

By Ken and Stephanie Weichert (GX Magazine, 2006)


012 - Tubing Tips for Triceps and Biceps (GX 3.2)

Tubing Workouts, Upper Body, Weight Loss, Whole Body

By Ken Weichert (GX Magazine, 2006)


010 - Tubing Tips for Chest and Shoulders (GX 3.1)

Tubing Workouts, Upper Body, Weight Loss, Whole Body

By Ken Weichert (GX Magazine, 2006)


008 - Push-up Improvement training (GX 2.6)

APFT Improvement, Strength Training, Upper Body

By Ken Weichert (GX Magazine, 2005)


007 - Ground Thumper and Four-count Reverse Crunch (GX 2.5)

Getting Started, Strength Training, Upper Body, Weight Loss, Whole Body

By Ken Weichert (GX Magazine, 2005)


006 - Flutter Kick and Four-count Push-up (GX 2.4)

Core, Strength Training, Upper Body, Weight Loss, Whole Body

By Ken Weichert (GX Magazine, 2005)


As many of you know I was anxious to take this Sgt Ken certification this past weekend. When I saw this course available I decided it was time to step outside of my comfort zone and try something new (my ladies hear me preach about this over and over.) Wow, am I ever glad I did! What a great reminder to never judge a book by its cover. 
- Kelly Erais